Thursday, May 26, 2016


Shawn thanks for checking on me.
Shawn my birthday dinner next year.
Ange lunch text.

I wondered about our tentatively planned lunch today when I took my dawn walk. Had a text from Ange at 6:30 this morning, confirming. :-) 

Shawn's girlfriend, Destiny, came over for dinner last night. We had the leftover casserole from the night before, along with squash, and spinach, and rice&beans. Shawn did the dishes after we took her home, and when he was at the sink he turned around and said, "Well, I know what I want for my birthday dinner next year. That casserole was awesome." 

He looked really tired this morning when he came to hug me bye for school, and he said he hadn't slept well. He said that he was fine though, and then, "Thanks for checking on me." 

We have some doable options on the Blue Cross, so I'm happy about that. 

I'm excited about plans for the summer and having fun, and having less pressure to make everything go the way that it needs to. I also kinda think next year will be even easier ... that it will just naturally build on the foundation we already have. 

Barry and I are planning a day trip in the VW Bus to go see the covered bridge in Lilian, and I'm really happy about that. 


I've been able to spend some trimming these bushes, and I like the way it is coming along. the hydrangeas are beautiful!


This little rose peeked out today. Flower bed around the pecan by writing shack. 

Wednesday, May 25, 2016


It still loves with all the power of the world.

I told Barry that Dr. Webster's nurse had called to let me know that I have an aortic regurgitation. That it isn't bad. That valves weaken with age. 

I said, "My heart's getting old." 

He said, "It still loves with all the power of the world." 


I feel like my heart has been held hostage and I can finally breathe again. Shawn's grades, with almost everything posted, are an A and the rest C's. He still has his final exams to take, but he will pass everything. 


Happier than he's ever been.

Shawn went over to Beverly's for a little while. She called to let me know when he was headed home. He told her that he's happier than he's ever been, and pointing to the picture of his girlfriend on his phone, "and its not because of her. It started before her." 


It feels funny not to have my backpack.

(They told the kids not to bring their backpacks anymore. That they won't need anything except a pencil.) Tyler


Moonlight.  Sunrise pink clouds.

Tuesday, May 24, 2016


Goodtimes had some really nice spots in it. 

Annette and Brittany in the pottery barn.

Annette and Brittany in the pottery barn with Papa. 

Kennedy and Papa, as he showed her how to do their project.

Kennedy and Brittany, visiting over Kennedy's project.

John, waiting patiently, but also looking forward to doing his. 

Four of the littler ones, painting the corn hole boards. 

Visiting with Morgan, sitting on the glider out by the pool. 

Little visit with Brittany, sitting in the sun. 


Tyler telling me about choosing his elective.

Tyler, seeming secure and happy, and telling me about choosing his elective. 


Setting the alarm alarm for 2 hours and 8 minutes today and happy about that


Made people laugh

Went to the doctor today for a stress echo. Just got to visit and make people laugh. 


Barry, after I told him that I'd check the boys' grades on Monday, but that for the last few days, it would really be all up to them: "I know one thing, you've put as much into that as anybody could." 



No one here at first. No observers.  Ok to eat without reading.

Probably belongs in my girl journal, but I realized I didn't feel the need to figure out how to hold my book open and eat my blueberry muffin at the same time. No one was there. No was observing. 


In the mail today.


Beth bankruptcy paid off.

Barry and I were at Lowe's when I got the text from her. Bankruptcy paid off, and a refund even. So much happiness! Won't have to worry about her cars, house note manageable, and $850 a month freed up! 


Stood in yard trying to think of words

We were having a little quiet time, talking about Wonderland. He said, "I just stood in the yard, trying to think of words that I could use ..... all you've done ..... my dream come true, many time over." He was very serious. very quiet. very expressive. 


Text from Angela. On a Saturday! 


Shawn happy as he gave me his schedule for next year.


Beverly compliments about work

Beverly said they answer the phone differently (at her direction, I know) ... do everything differently .... at her station at work, and that they get compliments on it. They are told all the time "We wish everyone else would do it the way that you do." 

One of her patients told her that she wanted to be an NA like her, so that she could touch lives the way that she does. 


Shawn re his Act grades. .. I didn't know I could do that!

The last Monday of the school year. The last Monday for pulling up their grades for review. Drilled down for any info that might be relevant for this last part, which I am thinking of as "sticking the landing." 

His ACT practice test grades were posted. Part 1 and Part 2. A "B" and a "C." I wish you could have seen him. He leaned over for a closer look. "For real?" And then, standing back up straight, with great, happy surprise, "I didn't know I could do that!" 

His Holocaust grade is a 93, and he said they aren't having any more tests in that class, so he will come home with an A in it. They aren't doing anything else in his mini block, and all of those grades are posted, so he will have a C in it. A couple of his classes have enough missing grades that final grade is hard to determine, but it is looking pretty positive for passing everything, and for having C or above in most, if not everything. He waved his hand at the print out, and my notes, the assessment and predictions and said, with a contentment and quiet pride, "that's the best.... I've never had that." His happiness was a like another person in the room, and getting to see that, to feel that, meant everything to me. 


First bloom of Little Beeswings


First bloom of Prince Noir




Barry said it was so much fun watching her rake the potatoes.




Updated to Windows 10. I'm not particularly happy about it, but it is done. 

Shawn was really excited to see his grades, and it was fun to see him so happy. 

My new writing shack has a floor! I think I'll make a journal just for it. 

I'll joy journal in the morning. I'm a little tired. 

Thursday, May 19, 2016


Winding up the school year, and feeling pretty good about the way I handled my responsibilities. Also pretty happy with the way the boys have handled their Getting Ready for School lists, their chore lists, and their laundry, etc. 

It is a coolish (with the fan, anyway, day) so I'm able to have the windows open. 

My garden in bloom makes me happy. I am making note of that. 

The pool guy was supposed to come last night, so maybe I'll get to start swimming. I am ready about that. 

Got to (text) visit with Kennedy last night. 

Wednesday, May 18, 2016


Heather is taking the Daily Booked Loads report seriously, and I like that. 

I spoke with Donald about the APU's and I was pretty clear --- I'm just getting stronger voiced. I just don't have the time or patience for "pretty please" any more. 

Will Bruce replied about the meeting, so that's good. 

Tyler seemed perfectly happy and content when he told me that they'd come around today to see what electives he wanted next year. He said, "Since I'm actually playing the tuba pretty good..." 

My heart test went well, I think. Dr. Webster said the EKG looked just fine, so that was good. We'll hear more from the cardiologist, I guess. 

I like being over here in the evening, too. 

Barry made some progress on my writing shack today. 

Angela sent me a text.

So did Kennedy. 

Kelly saw the link I put on her Facebook page. 

Monday, May 16, 2016


The AC was on.

I knew I had to take time out of this afternoon to have the echo done on my heart, and I'm already behind on my work, so I flipped the day around. I did take time to put my makeup on, but I went straight to the office and promised myself that I'd come to the writing shack this evening, so that's what I did. On the way over here, I dreaded the heat, but was happy to find that I had left the AC on, and the temp was pleasant. 

The tech who did my echo was chatty and pleasant. She spent a summer in Europe with her dad's girlfriend, who was from France and went back each summer to take care of her parents. She talked a lot about that. 

I didn't have to wait long, and I was happy about that. 

The reports that I'm pulling from Prophesy are going to tighten us up as a business and I'm proud of my progress on that. Barry did take a look at the weekly report. 

I don't know if the tech knows anything about the echo, but at least they didn't rush me to the hospital or anything. 

I got almost all of Monday's stuff done on Monday, and would have if I hadn't spent about 3 hours working on the new Prophesy reports. They are uphill because they are uncovering that people have not been dong the work in them they way they are supposed to, but they matter. 

Tyler, laughing at supper. 


Morgan asked for a Barbie Graduation Cake. She loved it ... she's sweet. 


First pink tree lily of the season!


Of all the places in the house, she chooses where he puts his head.




Barry and I enjoyed this plant together. Such crazy twists and turns.


Sometimes, even when you are full of promise, you have to put your head down for a minute.


Kat Poiroux planted these flowers and I love they way they look against this old shed. A fun surprise after a day at the computer.

Friday, May 13, 2016

Thursday, May 12, 2016

May 12, 2016

Beth's Happy Birthday group turned out to be a lot of fun, with lots of loving and happy messages. 

Beverly and I got to have a nice visit last evening. 

Shawn seems to be looking forward to summer, and studying with Theresa.

Barry and I are finding a path of me making sure people do the things that he has assigned them to do. 

My gardenia is in full bloom. 

And so yesterday Shawn was standing close to me when I told him that I was headed out for the office and I said, "Since you're this close, you might as well give me a hug." He smiled, we hugged, I headed for the door. I had called out to Tyler, but he was behind closed doors, in the bathroom I figured. Just about the time I got to the door, I heard him running up. Big hug, and we laughed about the fact that he won't fit under my chin anymore. 

Monday, May 9, 2016

Saturday, May 7, 2016

How they got back in her bed after she ate her breakfast. Holly got back in her bed after she ate her breakfast.

Thursday, May 5, 2016


Lookout Dove




Still cool enough this morning that I haven't had to turn the fan on. 

Shawn and I made it to the Food Handler's Permit place at 3:31, lost a little. I had to call to find out where on the site we were supposed to be. I told her I knew they stopped taking the aps at 3:30, and that it was 3:31, and I was nice and so was she, and she would we be fine. She told me how to get to her building. Someone was ahead of us in line, which worked out well, because we did not have the last four numbers of his social. We had time to try to get it with phone calls to Chris and Barry, but were unsuccessful. She did not make a big deal out of it, and let us get it anyway. So, he walked out of there with his card. He was happy about that. "Now I have two cards for my walled," he said, and laughing, showing his wallet, unfolding, "FBI." 

I also got both of them to Fantastic Sams, and made it to Walgreens for their shampoo and medicine, so I felt pretty good about accomplishing those things. 

Gene and Martha called last night, and I wasn't on speaker phone so didn't have that strange echo, and had a nice visit with both of them.

Holly is sleeping in her bed.

How happy Shawn was about his card.

Wednesday, May 4, 2016


Shopping --- Ultra, Haverty's, Fresh Market --- I got to make people laugh today. I like that. 


Dillards.  Walking by the section where Shawn and I picked out his homecoming clothes. Smiling, remembering. 


Snuggle hug from Tyler this morning. 

Shawn seemed happy. At dinner last night, he said he'd turned in his missing history notes.

Beth stopped by, for a quick minute, so I got to see her.

Beverly, re: going to the office and getting me the copy of her driver's license, even though I said I could wait, as she hugged me, "I've been knowing you for forty-one years." I told her that I had just thought that somehow we did not hug when she first came in and out and how did that happen, and she said she'd thought the same thing. 


Miss Beverly at Dillards\

I went to Dillards yesterday to see about some new clothes for Morgan's graduation. The lady who usually helps me saw me, walking up from behind me, greeted me happily. I remembered her name, "Hey, Miss Beverly," and she gave me a hug. 

I know that's good salesmanship, but I still enjoyed the kindness. 

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

My toes are too cold. My stomachs too big.  And my life is too complicated.


Barry and I went to Rouse's last night, and he stopped at the Pop Tarts, asking me what kind Evan liked. He got a box to take to him at the Waffle House. We dropped the groceries off, went to Waffle House with Evan's treat, and then sat and had a cup of coffee and a piece of pie. 

Angela sent me a text this morning. 

Kennedy had planned on coming yesterday afternoon, but they worked later than expected, and traffic was stormy-weather bad, so she let me know they'd be coming today instead.

Daddy and Kathi called and both talked to me. They got their "Thank You" flowers re: Morgan's graduation, and said they were really beautiful. Daddy said that he had talked to the bank and was pleased to learn that Marianne had gotten some flowers, too. He said Andy overhears her talking about the kids, and that they are like family. 

Tyler hugging me this morning. Not a hello or good-bye hug, just a hug. 

I think we are rounding a corner out in the office, that other people are coming on board with the way we need to make things happen. More cooperation. Hope.

Beverly is going to be off on Friday, so we're going to see if we can't snitch some time. 

Kim shared a post about the things the author liked about having an only child. #10 was "feeling complete" of "feeling like a family," or "like a complete family." Something like that. I wanted to comment but when I went back to find it, I didn't see it, so I sent Kim an email. 

I saw your post this morning re: only child and #10, and wanted to say that it is fun for me to watch the three of you together, but Facebook is messing with me, and I can't find it anymore. Still... your family brings me happiness. Love you!
I love my family and we love you

Monday, May 2, 2016


Shawn complimented my hair twice.


Well, that was kinda fun. All of the chores that I am going to delegate, with one small exception, have been delegated. So, I revamped my "Bookkeeping for Report Date" check off list, and grouped things in such a way as to a) Have all of Tuesday for Community Me, and to b) Have until 3:30 on Wednesday for writing. Mondays and Thursdays will be big days, and I may have to work late. Today, I'll have to work out HH bookkeeping after Barry and I garden in order to have the rest of the week go the way I need it to. I have moved its regular day to Friday, which kinda makes sense, since that is also the day that we pick up the mail. I say all of Tuesday --- I'll have to do the Daily Booked Loads report every day, and review Derek's report every day, but other than that... all of Tuesday. 

I finished the hobby garden this weekend, or at least finished planting the things that might die if they didn't get in the ground. I have two more things to put in there, but I'm waiting for them to be easily discernible from a weed. 

I cleaned up our entry way as much as I could. It needs to be mowed and edged, but I didn't get to that. I cleaned our bathroom on Sunday instead, and I spent a lot of time trying to find the pictures that I thought might be on Barry's computer. I'm not sure I can get him to take me to the river, but the pictures are gone. At any rate, I got a check mark for having looked in every possible, even found the jet skiing book on line for point of reference.  

Kennedy and John came by yesterday evening and we had a nice visit, and then Evan and Chelsea stopped by for a short visit. Kennedy explained to me about the baroque period, and how it is her favorite. 

Beverly and I got to hang out for a little bit Saturday afternoon, and that was fun. 

Noah's math team claimed the third place prize!