Wednesday, June 29, 2016

June 29, 2016

They are putting the roof on the writing shack today. I like the color I chose --- you never know about those things ---- if  what you get is going to match the color chart you were using. 

The view from the old writing shack, where I am now, is pretty. Lawn is green and thick. A different pecan tree with a different circle of flowers, our garden --- also a fence line backed with pallets and some Wonderland stuff, but that isn't too bad. I wonder where the bricks that line the three-legged barn came from. 

Angela is making progress on her return to college. She got word from the registrar's office that she was an out of state student, because of that one little year where she lived in Tampa, as a student. So, she is having to supply employment proof that she has lived in Alabama for at least a year. She just had her one-year anniversary at Premier, so that worked out. She came over last night to print some forms related to graduation and when she left she said happily, "I went ahead and printed the graduation application form. I think you have to turn that in the semester of." Happy as in, "I know where I'm going and what I'm doing." 

Called Kathi yesterday and had a nice little visit with her. 

Shawn seems so happy. When he asked Tuesday afternoon about his friend coming over, and I knew Barry and I would be out to dinner with Dave Ferrante and Joe, I told him that that would be fine, that he'd been mature and responsible and just not to screw me up now. He said, with that happy tone we have when we've received a compliment we like, "Thank you, Grannie!"

The baby shower for Chelsea, and Evan, and Jaden was fun. Everyone seemed happy and played the games and visited well. Except for Loren, everyone there was also part of the Second Sunday Supper crowd, and they all laughed together. Beth had a living room full, and Chelsea and Evan seemed happy. 

Tuesday, June 21, 2016


We didn't hear anything about Katelyn yesterday, and I was deeply concerned. They did hit a little bobble but are still on track for moving to rehab, insurance and room in rehab pending. 

Ange made it back safe.

Shawn's text: "Is it all right if we head out? Where are you? I need my hug before I go." 

Beverly sat with me for a quick minute, even though her dinner was hot and ready. 

Little text hello to and from Brittany.

Tyler and Noah seemed to enjoy their first day of camp, although there are twice as many kids on the roster today as there were yesterday. I hope they still have a good time. 

Beth posted this on my Facebook Timeline:

I love that you are you, and that you're mine. Thank you and Beverly for instilling in me that I am smart, beautiful, and way better than I real life am. I suck at reciprocating but let it be known that my sister is the most beautiful, open, ferocious when she needs to be fantastic human and MOM, you are the cheerleader of all cheerleaders. Not the short skirt kind (except when we matched on my field trip) but the one who continually makes me believe I'm going to win. I love yall so much  Don't ask me publicly what inspired this post, just know you're my favorites xoxo xoxo

Monday, June 13, 2016


Brandon proposed to Morgan! 

See Facebook for details! 


Just wanted to hug you before your swim. (Shawn, this morning.)

June 13, 2016

Well, I have spent the bulk of this Monday "off" catching up on laundry, but at least I didn't have to try to do that AND do my regular Monday Wonderwork. I got to run two errands that were important, both of which necessitated being on duty today, but I'm beginning to think that tomorrow might be free and clear. I don't know that I'll get every last scrap of laundry done, but I am down to the scraps --- the whites, the light blues, and a couple of strays that will just almost have to be washed by themselves. I could do them tomorrow, but I don't think I need to. 

Barry has a doctor's appointment tomorrow, so I'm not so sure that I want to go to the beach, but I do think I could plan on being over here all day. That would be fun ... just plan to read and Daddy's Father's Day card. 

Shawn and Tyler came home happy from their weekend, and also seemed  happy to be home. Hugs and conversation. 

Beverly and JA and Angela have her space at Phew! fixed up very cute and pretty with an emphasis on making it an independent space, with a reading nook and a table and chairs. 

Friday, June 10, 2016


Woke up this morning with enough time on my hands, and with the boys' final report cards in the files, to just savor the sweetness of the success and the victory. Thinking of their smiles, of their hugs, of their "I just want to be sure I get my hug," of "What? Just because there's no school today, I don't get a hug?"

The boys are happy, and I am happy about that. We are settled in for our summer routine. We are registered for school next year. We are good to go.

The living room looks much better without the recliner in it, and Brittany is happy to have it. 

Wonderland is in better shape, I think, than ever. Not perfect. Still have the ever-loving APU stock issue, and still have this year's mileage issues, but I have done so much. I have rounded the corner of having to also participate in making Barry's rules stick, and generating revenue. I think that some of my employees have also rounded the corner, and may be giving me a little less of a hard time. That would really be nice. 

I even got the accounts reconciled before I took off, so I'm pretty proud of that. 


I complimented him and he said thank you.


Angela's  jeep is here so I think they're on their trip.


Barry said that my hobby garden is just beautiful. That it makes the yard. 


Sand toys

Walking by the sand toys in WalMart. Remembering when Annette used to stock us up each summer. 


Beverly called.  Happy.

Beverly and Ange on their road trip. 


The smile on Shawn ' s face when I handed him his report card

Not really sure of the date, but I won't ever forget that little smile, the little upturn at the corner of his mouth as I handed him his report card envelope. The anticipation of good news. 

He looked at the grades handed it back, and the said, "They usually, somewhere on there, say passed or failed." When I pointed out where it said, "Promoted," that sealed the happy for him. 


Pink so delicate, I cannot seem to capture it.


Portulaca thriving.


Debra, the potter who made these two pieces. We had fun talking.


So, Tyler accompanied me to the art museum for "Night Market." 

Thursday, June 2, 2016


My "Sweet and Savory" bouquet. 


It is our first day of summer vacation, and I am enjoying it. Barry got up early and got himself out to work. I heard the door close on his way out, but nothing before that. I got up around 5:30, and was heading for the writing shack by 6:30. If I had prepared a little better I could have started some laundry, but instead I fed the dog and the cat and got dressed and headed over. 

On one trip between here and the house I grabbed my largest limb cutter and spent about 30 minutes getting rid of some large-limbed things. I am happier with my view out of my window. I just heard a crackle. I wonder what that is?

Barry worked outside all day yesterday and was in no mood to cook, so we went out to dinner. Usually when he asks me if I have a particular place in mind, I don't. But last night I did, so I said, "Ask me where I want to go!" He with enough of jokey tone to keep it light said, "No. Would you like to tell me where you might like for me to take you?" I laughed and told the boys to cover their ears. I said quietly, "That steak place at the mall." He kinda laughed ... "Do you know where I was thinking?" "That steak place at the mall." So, Logan's it was. I told the boys if they had leftovers, they could eat them for lunch the next day, so they happily ordered exactly what they wanted, which happened to be the pork trio. 

Derek has done his daily reports for the last three days, so I'm happy about that. 

It is warming up, but up till now I have certainly enjoyed the cool of the morning. 

Shawn and Tyler laughing and talking in the back of the car on our way to and from the restaurant.

Shawn and Tyler laughing and talking, the day before school was out, at the bus stop. Tyler had to be out there early, so they were out together. I rushed out and didn't have my phone, which is too bad, because it would have made a great picture. 

I cut two gladiolas from my Phew! garden and filled the vase with them and some rosemary cuttings. I called it a Sweet and Savory bouquet, which I thought was fun, and I have a great picture, but I can not get it to upload here for love nor money! 


Prince Noir


Last "Waiting for the bus" cup of tea --- for this school year.

Wednesday, June 1, 2016


Turned off my alarm!

Came to the writing shack and as I was setting my timer, realized I could go ahead and turn off my three morning alarms. No more school mornings. ;-) 


It's a wrap! I just picked the boys up for early dismissal from school. Tyler had a test, and his teacher told them yesterday that as soon as they were finished, they could go home. 

I feel good, and strong, and successful and happy. It was fun to carve out the days off for the boys, to tell them  on our ride home that I was pleased .... that maybe we needed to improve a little on HOW we were doing the chores, but that they didn't make DOING them an uphill battle. that they'd pulled their bed covers up each morning almost without exception, gotten off to school.... time for a good clean break....a refreshment. 

Annette and Morgan are helping me plan SomeTime in the Summertime. 

Angela came out on her lunch break yesterday to get the camping gear together. She had a checklist.... little squares. Had to change them to circles because the boxes made Beverly feel boxed in. 

Kennedy and John stopped by for a minute.