Friday, October 27, 2017


Barry and I had a quiet weekend. We didn't stir up any big projects, and so ended up with time that was still, the kind of stillness in which important things sometimes bubble to the top. 

I over heard an owner-operator in the office saying to Derek, "My wife never liked the motorcycles, but now that she's gone, I can ride. I love to ride." I told Barry about that, as part of a conversation regarding what he would do if he had a year where we weren't expecting him to add to the revenue. Next year shouldn't be much of a year for buying or selling, either. He talked about wanting to rebuild his dad's truck, but then said, "I don't think you're going to go with me on a long-term basis," and so I told about the over-heard conversation. Later that afternoon, when we were in the pottery barn, he said that what he really wanted was for me to be able to write. That he feels like the luckiest man alive.

I told him that I'd gotten a kick out of Andrew noticing the Saran Wrap game and suggesting it. He talked about what a good man Andrew is, and said that he is really proud of him. 

We got to play with Jaden at Waffle House for a little bit, and Evan and Chelsea came over Saturday night for a little bit. I like it when Jaden smiles at me. 

Chris is helping Kennedy with her glass project.