Wednesday, November 30, 2016




I wrote something in Goodtimes about Christmas and spending, and I am happy with it. It makes me feel good to have written it. I don't know whether or not it will change anything --- if the young adult grandbabies will do differently and feel differently about the days ahead, but I feel good that I tried. And the words are good. 

I don't think I told you about Thanksgiving. Short of the things that are worrying me, it was an ideal day. Beverly and her girls came over around nine and started cooking. Andrew and Annette came a little bit early. Everyone relaxed and visited and nobody hurried and nobody stressed. Neither Barry nor I cooked a single thing, and the kids even cleaned up after. Beth came for a few minutes, and Chris came after a little bit. 

JA had to work all through the Iron Bowl, but Beverly and her girls (and Josh and John) came over with snacks and watched the game with us. Barry grilled some chicken wings. 

Beverly and Angela and I spent some time together last night. Beverly and I met Angela at Macaroni Grill, and we had supper and talked and then went to see if we could find a dress for Angela to wear to graduation. It was fun to hear them laughing and talking as they picked things up, and as Angela tried things on. She was full of love and appreciation. 

"Thank you so much for my beautiful dresses. I had such a fun and happy night laughing and playing w you and Mom! I think you are the most amazing person and Grannie in this whole entire world. Thank you for always being there for me, from my first day of kindergarten to my last day of college;) I love you to the moon and back! 
Well really from my first day of life;) I just love you so much and I'm so happy to have you there for all of these fun moments." 

Monday, November 28, 2016


We had Deck the Halls yesterday. Beth and Rodney left for Houston before we started, but they stopped by on their way out and visited with us for a little bit and Beverly and JA came over and got to see them for a few minutes. Beth called later in the evening to see how it went. She and Rodney got stuck in miles-long traffic jams, so got home about three hours later than they usually would have. I can't remember exactly where she was in Louisiana when she called but it wasn't nearly as far as she wanted to be. 

Beverly and Annette sat on the patio and visited. Beverly talking about Standing Rock. Morgan sitting on the swing, holding Jaden, which she did for most of the afternoon. 

Barry stayed in his rocking chair and watched a football game. Brandon sat in mine and they talked easily about the game, and bees. A little while later Zak joined them, sitting on the sofa. 

Andrew spent the afternoon in the front bedroom, rolling up the Saran wrap ball of presents The game is something he saw online and thought would be fun. He is especially looking forward to watching others play it. He's helped me find dice and the saran wrap --- it has been a fun thing for us to do together. 

JA had to work, but got home in time for supper and for birthday singing. 

John and Kim were in Huntsville, but lots of people asked where they were. 

Chris and his new girlfriend got here about 5:00. Afterwards, Tyler asked me what my first impression was. I asked him what he thought, how he felt around her. He said that she has a special freezer at Drew's that she doesn't let just anybody get into, but she lets him. 

Brittany was studying, Faith wasn't feeling well. Barry got the volleyball net up for me, and most of the younger kids played volleyball and ran around kind of like a Goodtimes. Willo and Vivian were sick, too. 

Angela asked where I wanted to put the Family Promise bags, and I told her the bed. She did that, but then came and asked if I'd like her to put them on a spot on the bedroom floor so that I wouldn't have to move them later on that night. 

Things have just shifted. There aren't as many little kids running noisily through the house, and all of the kids and older grandbabies not only can do more, but offer to do more. There's just a lot less stress and trying to get it all done for me. I showed them where the Family Promise things were, and they set up the process and got it all done. Beverly said, "Mom, it is really pretty great for you to do this." 

Tori and Josh had to leave for a little bit to go get Zoey from the vet. Annette told them she was proud of them for being prepared for the expense. 

Chelsea came with Jaden, and left him with us for a few minutes while she ran to the laundromat. She said she told Evan it felt weird to do that. I think it was the first time she left him anywhere. 

Some of bulbs are sprouting.

Jaden stayed alone with us first time.

Saturday, November 26, 2016

Fire in fireplace . Barry working with me on the house.

Thursday, November 24, 2016

Glad that Chris showed up for Tyler.
Glad that we didn't have a Ryan issue.
Happy to meet Brittany's boyfriend. He seemed nice. Glad that Annette helped with the dishes and that the girls jumped in to help clean up. Glad Barry didn't say how mad he is. This day, standing on its own, filed with relaxation and love.

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

I'm very happy today, thinking about the kids coming over tomorrow.

Sunday, November 20, 2016

Friday, November 18, 2016


My week has gone pretty good. Today, I am scrap-picking. A little bit of writing. A little bit of HH bookkeeping. A little bit of Wonderland. And hopefully, a little bit more writing time. 

Beth and I skyped for about twenty minutes, and that was fun. I told her to let me know on Saturday's when would be a good time to Skype each week, so we're going to try that. It made me happy to get to talk to her. 

Beverly and I rode over to Pensacola last night to see Kennedy's piece in the exhibition, and that was fun. 

Barry and I went and had lunch with Brittany, and that was fun, too. She has a new boyfriend. She is going straight into grad school. Her Coastal Engineering professor stopped her in the hall and told her that she wanted her to be her grad student. She talked about her friend who is a lesbian and how that friend wants her to be in her wedding, and how sad it made her when people gave her friend and partner looks at the fair when they would kiss each other on the cheek, etc. 

Angela's first day of volunteering at Mobile Baykeeper was yesterday and she was just all kinds of happy! 

Thursday, November 17, 2016

I'm so excited about the possibility of getting month end done this morning and being off tomorrow!

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Monday, November 14, 2016


Saturday just evolved as one of the best days a person could ask for. The Alabama game started at 11, and Barry called to see if the Reeds wanted to come over. Tori and Josh came right about that time, and so Beverly, JA, Ange, Josh, Tori and I (and Bentley, Bella, and Zoe) gathered up to watch the game (or play Nine's at the dining room table while Barry and JA watched the game.) The weather was pretty, so we left the patio door open most of the time. Barry ordered pizza, Beverly and JA brought some snacks. After awhile Evan, Chelsa and Jaden came over. He got lots of hugs and attention and Angela got some great pictures. Beverly said, "That baby changed my day." 

There were only about half us here last night, but we got to see Kim, which doesn't happen very often, and Vivian. We were a little squisshy, maybe two seats short, but visited and had a good time. Beverly and Angela cleaned the kitchen up for me. 

Beth called in and we put on speaker to sing Happy Birthday. Rodney called and he and I had a nice visit. 

And I did the right thing. I've been smiling about it ever since. I'd been thinking on it. I thought maybe I should have some conversations first. Check with people. But then I didn't. Then I just did what I wanted to do and called Vivian aside, and told her about the money I donated to the scholarship fund when Tori and Morgan each graduated and that Angela is graduating, and that I thought that what I really wanted to do was help her, and that I didn't know if this amount of money would be any help, and her eyes filled up with tears, and she said that it would be half her tuition, and she just hugged me and hugged me and hugged me and thanked me and thanked me and thanked me. It was a very, very happy spot for me. 

Barry made the beans for dinner and just generally helped me. It made getting ready for dinner so much more fun, so much less exhausting. 

Chris and Tyler seemed to enjoy their time together, so I was happy about that. Chris has a job with a different glass company. 

Noah spent Friday with us, and that was fun. 

Barry had fun working with Kennedy and Angela in the pottery barn. They were using all kinds of tools and he brought out things they didn't even need because he was having so much fun watching them. 

Wednesday, November 9, 2016


Well, Amendment 2 passed. I'm happy about that. I worked for that. 

Barry called Chris today and he was on his way to work. Has a job at a glass company, and I'm happy about that. 

I've learned some important lessons about being quiet while craziness is on the loose.

I posted something on my Facebook page, and LaDonna shared it, with this intro, which naturally meant a lot to me. 

I am posting my friend Vickie's remarks from her Facebook page. I respect Vickie because she is well spoken and compassionate and she has a gift for being succinct. When Vickie "speaks" in her written "voice," I listen. Today, she wrote a piece about why and who she is supporting in the election. For her to do this is remarkable; because she is the one who is quiet and never calls attention to herself. She always supports other people. She lives her values, so I don't have to ask what they are. I can see and experience them. She is one of those people we used to refer to as "the salt of the earth"--the true friend who is there when chips are down, sideways, and scattered all over.
I would say this about Vickie regardless of how she identifies politically. In fact, I suspect she would always vote for the person who can and will do the job with the most class and least amount of pain inflicted on others.
So I thank her for her willingness to let me share with you what she wrote .

Monday, November 7, 2016


Beth called early this morning from her new landline phone. For some reason, it is in the closet. We had a fun visit and then she posted on Facebook, "The last time I stood in the closet to talk on the phone I was probably hiding from my mom, this time I was calling her :) Love you madre!"

Beverly made it safely to Standing Rock, and we got to talk for a little while last night. Morgan and Beth shared her Facebook posts, and said
  • My fearless sister drove all the way to Standing Rock, ND to protest the pipeline and show her support. I could not be more proud. You are truly the "big sister" and I will forever look up to you. (but kinda down bc you're like 4 ft tall)
    Vickie Wyatt
    Write a comment...
  • My Aunt B being my hero as usual.

Tyler had his first school friend over to spend the night, Friday night, and they seemed to have a good time. Tarius Kennedy.

Beth asked what kind of easy care plants grow well on a balcony. Andrew recommended any of the plastic ones. ;-)

Barry removed the oleanders for me yesterday. I wanted them ever since I first moved to Mobile and saw that house with the big row of them. Ours grew big and tall and were beautiful, but the were crowded. Two of them were completely dead, probably from the freeze a couple of years ago, and another one nearly so. I went ahead and took the other two out because they were crowding the Grancy GreyBeard tree, and it looks like it might want to grow into a real tree. The camellias and things on the inside of the fence have gotten big, and the office isn't right across the driveway, so things look much better now.

Justin is finishing up the writing shack today, so that'll be good. It'll be the last of it, and I'm happy about that. 

Thursday, November 3, 2016


Second morning in a row where I woke up feeling like I had a manageable amount of work to do. I could get used to this!

Last night, Tyler thanked me for going over his homework with him. The math was interesting. ;-) 

Skyler replied to my text. 

Angela sent me a Facebook email. She is interested in the Mobile Baykeeper things. 

Morgan said she's looking forward to our Friday lunch. Their bayhouse has steps now. 

Brittany won't be able to make it to Second Sunday Supper, so asked about having lunch one day. I think that will be fun. 

Heard from Kennedy. She said she'd had a good day. 

Barry bought me some more pistachios when he was at Rouse's yesterday. 

I got to have a writing day yesterday ... from 8:30 - 11:15, and from 12:00 - 5:00. It was glorious! 

The weather is nice and the temperature in my writing shack is staying comfortable. 

Wednesday, November 2, 2016


I think I fixed Noah's collar .... I can't really remember.... but then I kissed him. Tyler said, "Does my collar need fixing?"  I told him it didn't, but as he walked away I said, "But I'll kiss you." He turned around and walked back, dimples showing.  


Tyler and Noah, walking up to a house that had a bowl of candy on the front porch, but no people visible, "That's going to be a 'Please take one' house." 


Just a really happy day for me. When I left the office Monday, I left it clear of things that needed to be taken care of before Thursday. I did the HH Bookkeeping and Home Administrative duties yesterday, as scheduled. I kept at the laundry all day, so I can get by without worrying about it today. There are some things dry / drying that can be put away, but they can also wait till tomorrow, so my mind can really be cleared of that. I really can just spend the whole day writing without hurting anybody. That's a rare treat.

When I talked to Daddy yesterday, he told me that Andrew had written "Our phone conversations mean the world to me," on the card he'd sent. Daddy said that Andrew calls him from time to time, but he hadn't realized how much the conversations meant to him. He said that Andrew's saying so meant a lot to him. 

Annette sent a text yesterday to check on Beverly and Barry. 

Brittany helped me with Tyler's homework. :-) I posted a question in the Goodtimes group, and she answered it --- and then the next one, and gave me really good, easy to understand answers, too. 

Angela and I are counting down the days till her graduation, and got excited together yesterday that her graduation announcements had come in. 

Touched base with Beth a little. 

Did I tell you that Evan came over Sunday and visited with me for awhile? Chelsea came over yesterday with their weekly payment and I got to visit with her for a little bit and play with Jaden. 

Shawn called Tyler yesterday, and that made Tyler happy. 

Tyler said  he saw Theresa and asked her how it was not tutoring Shawn anymore. She told him it made her sad that Shawn wasn't there when he wanted to talk to him. Tyler said, "I thought that was really nice for her to say."