Thursday, July 21, 2016


Evan and Chelsea were talking about Beef Strogonof, (sp) and Tyler said, "Have you ever had Aunt Kim's beef strogonoff? It's really good!" That's the second time he's raved about her cooking. 


Katelyn is home
Angela is smiling
Enjoyed my swim.
Tyler worked with Barry yesterday and they had a good day.


Bee Hive top that Tyler painted


Bee Hive top that Tyler painted.


Bee Hive top that Tyler painted. 


Logging in has been tedious and the a/c isn't working well, but other than that the morning is rolling along pretty smoothly. 

Tyler got up early and went out to work with Barry. Barry started talking to him about earning enough for a bee suit, etc., and how he could be making his own money in about three years. Tyler told me last night that he'd be up early, that he thought he'd work with Papa every other day. I have a picture of them riding on the tractor together. 

Barry made a lot of progress yesterday on getting things set up for Evan and Chelsea. He had to pay $300 for permits and buy some plumbing supplies, etc., and I think we're going to move the power pole to the other side of the camper. He has plenty of work to do, but he got as much done yesterday as a person possibly could. 

Beverly and Angela stopped in to "put eyes" on Barry, re: his fall. Beverly said that Angela had gotten her one year review, and that the head of human resources told Beverly it was the best review she'd ever seen. Dr. Elliot told Angela that she could work for her forever. 

Kennedy had a fun even text conversation about wasps, etc. She and John are thinking about moving, and she is winding up her summer classes. She has to do a project that explains a theme in 20 images and 250 words. I told her that I hope I get to see it! 

Skyler went to her first day of high school orientation yesterday. That seems a little crazy to me! 

Tuesday, July 19, 2016


Laurie has the temps for us so I am relieved of mileage duty.  I think that's probably the end of it for me.  I feel like rejoicing. Smacks a whole bunch of stuff off my do list.  I am closer and closer to retiring.  I'm doing this on my phone so I won't have to change blogger login on my netbook. 

Tyler went out to help Barry with the bees last night and he is helping him today.  He wants to earn money for a book.

Tyler up early and out the door to work with Barry.

Monday, July 18, 2016



Evan and Papa getting the r v site ready.
You can barely see them. I didn't get a good picture, but I did have fun watching them walk together.



Evan's 21st Birthday



With Kennedy Reed and Angela Reed.
LoveShow more reactions
Angela Reed I have the prettiest baby sister ðŸ˜Š
LikeReply1July 16 at 5:08pm


Top of my love list, these two. They rarely find car keys or have working cell phones, but they're great at dinner and dessert (in the form of peanut butter cookies) for sure beautiful and pretty hilarious. I love them long time. Have fun tonight kiddos and drive safe xoxo

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Tyler enjoying his summer reading.


Zak back to school cookies

I gave Zak one of the brownies I'd made for Second Sunday Supper, and he said he was looking forward to Back to School cookies, and then that he hoped he didn't have to work that day. I asked him what day he started back, and when he saw me write "Zak back to school," on the date, he said, "Awww," and I could tell that he felt loved and that I made him happy. 


Barry tears parenthood
Patrick, downtown,  keeping an eye on her.  His expression.  I think he loves her.

We watched an episode of Parenthood where Zeke, the 72-year old father has been told that his heart is bad. They can do surgery, but it is risky. He is looking for a special baseball because he wants to give it to first born great grandson and remembers that he put it in a shoebox in the rafters of the barn of their old house. He and his wife drive out to the old house and see two children playing in the yard, their pregnant mother standing in the doorway. Although she doesn't see Zeke and Camille, she waves her boys in. Camille says, "Well, go on. Go knock on the door." He leans his head back against the headrest and says, "No. One day those boys will be climbing up in the rafters, looking for something, and they'll find the box and think they've found a treasure." 

If it wasn't the closing scene of the episode, it was near it. When I looked at Barry, he had a tear that had trickled down his cheek. I said, "Are you crying? You're crying!" He said, "Leave me alone!" 

I didn't press. I know that he has hidden things away and will say, "When I'm gone, they kids will find it..." 

The day after, or the day after that, he wondered aloud about bee suits for Annette or for the kids, and we talked about the things he's gotten in to hoping to stir up interest, and he talked about the girls spray painting their pottery and that they'll have that memory, and we talked about going to the things they are already interested in. 

~Patrick, at the table, talking about going downtown, protectiveness in his voice, "watching her the whole time." 

Zak bees Papa


John W got out of the car to hug me.

He was parked in the Phew! driveway, coming to pick Kennedy up after her trip to Colorado with Beverly and Angela. I waved at him through the window, and then again as I passed the car, and that's when I saw that he was he getting out to give me a hug. 


Second Sunday Supper, 19th Birthday


Barry bought the RV yesterday and we're making progress on getting a site set up for it. I'm glad to have a plan in place for that.

Evan and Chelsea were working 2 - 9 yesterday, so we went to Rouse's and got a birthday cake and took it up there. 

Daniel spent Sunday night with us. Noah came Monday night because Kim had a doctor's appointment. They filled the house with laughter and all wanted me to campaign for another night. By Wednesday evening though, they were ready to go home. 

Tyler told Beverly that they were having a tri night. She said, "You mean a night where you try to do things but can't?"
Tyler: No. Were you blonde?
Beverly: No, but you are!
Tyler held up three finger: Tri
They laughed. 

Wednesday, after I got a text from Kim saying that Noah was on the fence about staying another night, I went into the reading room where the boys were playing. I told them that they could stay another night, and I would ask their moms. Remembering Noah's last visit though, and how he'd gotten homesick, I said, "But some of you have been gone from home for a few days, and might rather go back tonight. It's not like we live in different cities, just on the other side of town. And Noah and Daniel don't have to make the same decision. You can each do what feels right to you, today. I'm going to go make a cup of coffee and I'll be back in about 5 minutes for your decision, unless you already know. ~ Noah got up, put his arm around my shoulder, tapped it gently, as he said, "I already know. I just want to go see my mom." 


"We're having a tri-night"


Evans birthday cake.


Beth, stopping by on her way back from New Orleans.

Monday, July 11, 2016


We had a nice Second Sunday Supper. There weren't as many of us as usual, but those of us who were there just relaxed and laughed and talked. Laughter at both tables. 

My baked macaroni and cheese turned out much better than my mac and cheese has been lately, so I was happy about that. The roast scared me because I can't find the cut I used to use. Used chuck roast, but dredged it with a mixture of flour and the powder part of the onion soup. Really exceptionally good, so I hope I remember that. The pans of rolls work better than having to deal with cookie sheet, so I'll go back to that. Still have to figure out how to use the rice cooker. 

Today is Andrew and Annette's anniversary. I thought (my book says) they married in 98, but Facebook says 97. I went to the house to try find pictures or something. Looking through the 97/98 pics was so much fun. Such happy days. I remember that they were busy, that there never seemed to be enough time, that sometimes I felt like I had more time to prepare than others, but looking back I can see how much happiness percolated up in all of that. 

Beth is feeling better.

Morgan moved out of her apartment. She and Brandon are going to live with friends while their house is being built. 

Brittany and Patrick sat with us, and in part of the conversation they talked about going out with friends and going downtown. Patrick hadn't wanted to go --- doesn't like crowds, feels pretty sure someone's going to make him mad --- there was laughter and its wane his words, as he glanced at Brit who was sitting beside him, "watching out for her the whole time." 

Beverly, Ange and Kennedy made it home from the Boulder trip today. John came to pick Kennedy up and was sitting in his car in the driveway. We waved. I turned back to wave again as I got to the front of the car ---- and he got out to hug me. 

Noah, re: the chocolate that was all over him: I have an explanation.

Skyler texting Faith to tell her that her friend Sylvia was coming.

Friday, July 8, 2016


I love that you are you, and that you're mine. Thank you and Beverly for instilling in me that I am smart, beautiful, and way better than I real life am. I suck at reciprocating but let it be known that my sister is the most beautiful, open, ferocious when she needs to be fantastic human and MOM, you are the cheerleader of all cheerleaders. Not the short skirt kind (except when we matched on my field trip) but the one who continually makes me believe I'm going to win. I love yall so much  Don't ask me publicly what inspired this post, just know you're my favorites xoxo xoxo
Vickie Wyatt I think I might still have that skirt.  Glory, I love that you wanted us to match but holy guacamole to the mama's-not-gonna-be-on-the-best-dressed-list.  I do still have the little wooden animal I got from the gift shop. You wanted me to be wit...See More
LikeReply1June 20 at 7:42pm
Beverly McMillan Patton Beth you do have a special mom and sister but then you are pretty special too 
Beverly Reed I love you.
Also, someday soon please tell me what inspired this post. The curiosity is killing me, man.


She borrowed my laptop.  Left this note.  Made my day.


I was working at the desk.  She crawled in this cubby hole and turned herself around.


Barry moved flowers over to his bee hive.


The vine that smells like grape Kool aid!


Getting used to her bed.


Hugging Papa bye before they left for Colorado.


Hugs for Papa before they left for Colorado.


Morgan accounting.

Morgan said that she did talk to her boss about the direction she wanted to take with her career, as he had told her he wanted her to do whatever she wanted to do. She has enjoyed the marketing aspects, and she told him she hopes she gets to continue doing that, but that she is proud of her accounting degree, and that she would like to purse that course. That maybe someday she could be CFO. He said, "Maybe so." 


Barry lunch with Morgan.

It was our first chance to have lunch with Morgan after we'd heard about her engagement. I wasn't sure Barry would be able to break away from the office, but he wanted to come and so he did. 


Tori happy with her ring tone.

Date may be wrong, but Tori and Josh were home for the weekend. I have her ring tone set for a Harry Potter thing. I got her to call  me so she could hear it, but didn't tell her what it was. As soon as she heard it she started laughing and said,"That's perfect! That makes me so happy!" 


Grandmama Cat

Tyler, wondering if any of the stray cats are Mama cat's children or grandchildren. Said we'd have to call her "Grandmama cat." 


Every time I see her car in the driveway,  my heart gets another happy.


There's a lot of talk about big league sports. This is the kind of game I like to watch.


Tyler and Noah


Tyler buying Chris a present.

Tyler went to the estate sale with Barry and I. He had $13 left in his "estate sale fund." They'd made it to be some big deal sale, so I added $25, and since that was $38, rounded it up to $40. He spent the biggest part of it on Chris, and also got something for Shawn. 


Angela got her loan ap turned in yesterday, which was the deadline. She had to jump through a lot of hoops to make that happen. 


Shawn, at the doctor's office. Visiting. Telling me about how he and his friend stay up late, looking at the ceiling, in the dark, talking about life. He talked about trust. He talked about Destiny. Love. That he thought he felt it before, but that this felt different. That he and some friends had been watching a show on t.v. and they said something about what of the characters being hot, and he said, "I can't look at her like that. I have a girlfriend." And that he'd been proud of himself for that. 

Tyler noticing that I stepped off the curb carefully. (The back of my leg hurts.) 

Angela's text, July 6, "I Graduate December 10," and then five various happy, smiling, grinning emoticons. 

Tori's website is going live. Angela said it involved some new technology, but I've already forgotten what it was about. Tor's text to me said that She was really happy with it and that her team seemed happy with it to. She said, "I had to do a client presentation today, a small one, but they still make me nervous. Went well though." When I read that, my mind jumped to her first words "Would you please move the table in front of the t.v." I texted her that, and we both laughed. 

Got to hear from Brittany and Morgan this week. Brittany's leg is healing and she should be back running in a couple of weeks. Morgan and Brandon are moving out of their apartment today. 

Kennedy and I had a fun conversation about a book I heard about -- 10 sonnets written so that the lines are interchangeable. 

Evan and Chelsea came for dinner Tuesday, and we had a nice visit. 


Tyler. ...easier to do the kitchen now that he knows where everything goes.

He was almost finished, and I was making a cup of tea, stirring the sugar. He realized he had a mixing bowl left to wash and said, "Don't do you just hate that?" I said I did, and then changing to amusing tone, "When you get the sink all cleaned out and some old hag comes and drops a spoon in it." I laughed, and so did he. Then he said, "You aren't a hag. ..... And you aren't old....... And you are taking care of me." I told him that taking care of him was a joy and a privilege. 

Friday, July 1, 2016

July 1, 2016

Had a fun conversation with Kennedy re: a quote she emailed me a long time ago. I keep it in my bill box, so sent her a picture of it. She sent me a new, really great quote. "Do not be daunted by the enormity of the world's grief. Do justly, now. Love mercy, now. You are not obligated to complete the work, but neither are you free to abandon it." Kennedy said "I feel like it could be interpreted in a thousand different ways, but it reminds me to acknowledge the issues around me while still working to build myself, and everyone around me to a point where those issues can be be openly addressed. I believe I read the quote in an "Ask Me Anything," with a social worker, so I figured if it kept her sane, I should try it out.